Miss Blue's story is a fun and timeless tale about a small airplane, called a Cessna 150, who's job is to teach people to fly. Unfortunately Miss Blue does not see the value in her skills and thinks what she does is not interesting at all. Although unglamorous compared to her much faster and flashier friends, Miss Blue discovers she is an important part of allowing everyone else to be able to achieve their created purposes. Without her, no one would know how to fly and her friends would be without jobs! Through her friends she is taught the important lesson that each person has skills and a design that makes them special and valuable. Miss Blue's story teaches readers a valuable lesson of self worth and belonging.
This book also serves to introduce children to airplanes with the goal of hopefully sparking an interest and influence them to want to continue learning about flying. It hopefully plants a seed in them that one day may grow into an illimitable passion for all things that fly.